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Specialist in Leadership

FYAM-kampagne 2023

Become a Leader

FYAM's 2023 campaign is created in collaboration with PLO Continuing Education and the Monthly Journal for General Practice.

CASES: See 15 management dilemmas directly for your supervision here

Supervision, personnel management, hiring, administration, visions, structure, work environment, flow, production, operations, dreams, future, problems, and opportunities.

All these areas are things a general practitioner deals with in their daily work. Do you find it motivating, boring, rewarding, difficult, or fun?

In any case, it is something younger general practitioners should learn, so we can more quickly come together as specialists – and hopefully do so with job satisfaction, inspiration, and well-being intact.

FYAM's new campaign “Specialist in Leadership” aims to inspire and motivate supervision, openness, and targeted learning about leadership. We do this in three areas:

  • Awareness: In collaboration with PLO-E and the Monthly Journal, we have created a podcast series, which we hope will encourage younger general practitioners and mentor doctors to talk about and engage in leadership.

  • Supervision Room: Through cases and the General Practice Game, we hope more and more will talk about leadership as part of everyday supervision on an equal footing with purely medical supervision.

  • Formalized Education: We are working on a course in SPEAM (the specialist training program), which will be offered earlier in the main training than other practical leadership courses. Our hope is that it increases motivation for leadership and awareness of everyday leadership throughout the main training.

We encourage mentor doctors to open their doors to the leadership room (if not completely, then to parts of it), and for younger doctors to reach out and ask questions.

We hope you will welcome the material.
