Publiseret: 2016
Hypo- og hyperthyreose
Diagnostik, behandling og opfølgning i almen praksis
OBS: Vejledning over 5 år
DSAM tager forbehold for, at der kan være nye retningslinjer/ny evidens på området. Vi har dog valgt at lade vejledningen være aktiv, da der stadig er en del brugbar information i den.
Internationale guidelines
Bahn RS, Burch HB, Cooper DS, Bahn RS, Burch HB, Cooper DS. ATA / AACE Guidelines Hyperthyroidism and other causes of thyrotoxicosis: Management guidelines of the American thyroid association and American association of clinical endocrinologists. yroid 2011; 21; 593-646.
Garber JR, Cobin RH, Gharib H, Hennessey J V, Klein I, Mechanick JI et al. Clinical practice guidelines for hypothyroidism in adults: cosponsored by the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists and the American yroid Association. yroid 2012; 22:1200–35.
Pearch SHS,Brabant G, Duntas LH, Minzani F, Peeters R, Razvi S, Wemeau JL. 2013 ETA Guideline: Management of Subclinical hypothyroidisme. Eur. yreoid 2012; 2;215-228.
Nationale guidelines
Dansk Endokrinologisk Selskab. Hyperthyroidisme. En National Behandlingsvejledning 2012.
Dansk Endokrinologisk Selskab. Hypothyroidisme. En National Behandlingsvejledning 2014.
Anden litteratur
Almandoz JP, Gharib H. Hypothyroidism: etiology, diagnosis, and management. Med Clin North Am 2012; 96:203–21.
Bensenor IM., Olmos RD:, Lotufo P. Hypothyroidisme in the elderly: diagnosis and management. Clinical Interventions in Aging 2012; 7;97- 111.
Carle A, Laurberg P, Pedersen IB et al. Epidemiology of subtypes of hypothyroidism in Denmark. EurJ Endocrinol 2006; 154(1):21-28.
Cooper DS, Hyperthyroidism. Lancet 2003; 362: 459-68.
Franklyn J a, Boelaert K. yrotoxicosis. Lancet 2012; 379:1155–66.
Gillet M. Subclinical yroid Disease: Scientic Review and Guidelines for Diagnosis and Management JAMA 2004; 291: 228-38.
Knudsen N, Bülow I, Jørgensen T et al. Comparative study of thyroid function and types of thyroid dysfunction in two areas in denmark with slightly dierent iodine status. EurJ Endocrinol 2000; 143(4):485-91.
Laurberg P. Glandula thyreoideas sygdomme. Kapitel 54. Medicinsk Kompendium. 17. udgave: Nyt Nordisk Forlag Arnold Busck A/S, 2009.
Malt EA, Dahl RC, Haugsand TM, Ulvestad IH, Emilsen NM, Hansen B, Cardenas YEG, Skøld RO, orsen A DE. Helse og sykdom hos voksne med Downs syndrom. Tidsskr Nor Legeforen. 2013; (3):4–8.
Menconi F, Marcocci C, Marinò M. Diagnosis and classication of Graves’ disease. Autoimmun Rev 2014; 13:398–402.
Pedersen IB. Laurberg P, Knudsen N, Jørgensen T, Perrild H, Ovesen L et al. Increase in Incidence of Hyperthyroidism Predominantly Occurs in Young People after Iodine Fortication of Salt in Denmark. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism Vol. 91, 2006, s. 3830-4.
Seigel SC, Hodak SP. yrotoxicosis. Med Clin North Am 2012; 96:175–201.
Wiersinga W, Duntas L, Fadeyev V, Nygaard B, Vanderpump M. 2012 ETA Guidelines: e use of L-T4 +L3 in the treatmentof hypothyreoidisme. European yroid Journal 2012; 1;55-71.